APK Download

To pay for a transaction in a Sandbox/Homologation environment, we provide the APKs below that may be used for testing, without generating real value in our base.

Platform Link

Access the application

To access the application, it is necessary to use a real Ame Digital account or create a new account on this environment.

Register a Credit Card for Tests

To register a new credit card, it is necessary to access the lower menu "Carteira", click on the option "Cadastrar cartão de crédito".

At this environment, we accept only a few specific brands, they are: AURA, CABAL, DINERS, DISCOVER, HIPERCARD, JCB.

It is possible to generate a valid test card in 4DEVS.

Note: the CPF of the user who will access this application must be different from CPF/CNPJ used to create API credentials, otherwise, it will return the message "The user cannot pay yourself ".
